When Irene’s waitlist is closed, there may be other local practitioners accepting new clients and/or have shorter wait times that specialize in your area of need. Below you will find some wonderful referrals to explore.
RCMP, OCC, and Veteran Counsellors
*Please note that all registered psychologists are eligible to work with RCMP. These names are in addition to names provided above under ‘Individual Therapy’.
Dr. Dorward, R. Psych. | Assessment for VAC and RCMP| Website
Dr. Jessica Driscoll, R. Psych. | Assessment for VAC and RCMP | Website
Jenelle Kildaw Vrolyk, MSW, RSW | Veterans Counselling | Website
Assessments | LD or ASD (Autism)
Dr. Taryn Fay-McClymont, R. Psych | ADHD, Psyc Ed, Pediatric Neuro Assessments, Parenting | Website
Dr. Andrea Hamel, R. Psych. | Psyc Ed and ASD | Website
Dr. Jennifer Goertzen, R. Psych. | Psyc Ed, ASD, Neuro Psyc | Website
Dr. Kate Aubrey, R. Psych. | Psyc Ed, Parenting| Website